Thursday, November 29, 2007

Leaves are falling

To me it's a surprise there are still leaves on the tree branches because Beijing has a harsh wind. But below is a pic at the Geological school, there are a lot of leaves are on the ground but the trees are still holding on.

Another pic I took at Beijing Normal. Fall really is the best season in Beijing

And this sign I noticed while I was on the bus. At first I thought it was a sign for promoting "culturedness" in Beijing because for the Olympics the government has been scrambling to tell people not to spit, etc. So I thought the sign was like "don't fight people", then I look closer and it's for the Technology school's gym. The event must be like judo or something. What sport do you just body slam someone?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Black Friday

Again not spending the time in the States for Thanksgiving, you miss out on the commercialization of it all like Black Friday.

Who doesn't love sales but I was listening to my NPR podcast and this interview came up:

Reporter: What items are you looking for?
Customer: Shoestrings.
R: Wait a minute, you're here on the busiest shopping day to look for shoestrings.
C: Yea, came here to buy some shoestrings.
R: How much are you planning on saving today on one of those shoestrings?
C: Prolly a lot.
R: Good luck to you man.

He must be living on a shoestring if he needs to save money on shoestrings.
This guy must still be hungover from all the turkey and stuffing. I'm so proud to be from a country where people are this stupid.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving BJ style

Our Thanksgiving wasn't so traditional but we had the turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, cider, pumpkin pie and some other delicious things, but we where we lacked football we replaced that with going to Obiwan, and when we were half way across the world from our family we spent it with our favorite friends. I am so thankful for all you guys.

The Gang at Thanksgiving

We knew those margaritas weren't such a good idea, but they were so delicious.

After, dinner with went to our favorite XiHai Bar, Obiwan, we served up a mean game of asshole where if you put down an ace you had to give everyone a little dance, if you put down a three you had to give the person to your right a lap dance, whenever the cards cleared you had to insult Alana, and I had to say something chauvinistic.

There was only one ace in the deck so we waited three rounds before we got up and danced.

Sneaky Huanhuan

Huanhuan and Me


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