Sunday, January 25, 2009

Winter X

This is so brutal... but I just can't stop watching it

This is prob 30 ft high

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Are you ready?

For the digital conversion on Feb... whenever and now Obama wants to push it back 3 months because most people aren't prepare.

Well, I am almost ready, I got my $40 coupons today!!!

And I'm glad I signed up before the new year because now that coupon program has run out of money and people are on a waiting list to get the coupons and I've got two in my hand right now. I've got these things and they're [expletive] golden. I'm not giving them up for [expletive] nothing.

Ok well they're not that golden and I do need both since we have two tvs in my house. So I will be off to Circuit City for my converter boxes.

Friday, January 2, 2009

What are the odds?

This show 'Deal or No Deal' I've only seen it a couple times (max) but anyway pretty easy concept try to pick the case with a million dollars, but then you have to open other cases to see what amounts of money the other cases hold, and while you open the other cases the "banker" tempts you with money so that you opt out of the amount of money in the case that you picked.

Well, what if the case you had only had $.01, then the banker wouldn't give you a good deal at all. I mean what's not stopping him from completely screw you over and just give you 1 cent deal every time. This would probably not be good for ratings but picking the million dollar case is the same probability as picking the $.01.